
Dr. Rajesh Singru

Principal & Head, Department of Chemistry M.Sc.,PhD.

Dr. Santosh P. Jengathe

Assistant Professor M.Sc.,PhD.

Dr. Swati A. Tandekar

Assistant Professor M.Sc.,PhD.

Dr. Rahul V. Hangarge

Assistant Professor M.Sc.,PhD.

Welcome to Department of Chemistry

“CHEMISTRY Have all the solutions!!!”

1.General Information:

Department was established on initiation of academic year 2006-07, it continue emphasis, excellence in teaching & provides platform for enhancing the quality of student. The Department has adequate, highly qualified, experienced and competent faculty. Three of the Faculties are Ph.D. One of the faculty is research supervisor of Nagpur and Gondwana University. Faculty members have published several research papers in national and international journals.   Staff members are always ready to solve the difficulty of students.

  • The Department offers a degree program leading to award of “Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with Chemistry
  • The Department educates the students in order to provide them the new knowledge and skills in chemistry.

2. Aims and Objectives:

  • To provide skilled man power with a strong back ground in various areas of chemistry
  • To train students to acquire the chemistry knowledge and techniques necessary for industries such as pharmaceuticals and chemical industries.


Course conducted by the Department:-
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Chemistry with i) Chem.Bot.Zoo. ii) Phy. Chem. Math. Groups and Bachelor in Home Science.


We have sufficient space to run the department.

Labs:- We have quality lab for FY,SY, TY B.Sc. students having all the basic apparatus required for the practical. The laboratory is well equipped, ventilated and spacious giving each individual student with sufficient space for working. The labs have L.P.G. gas line, Basins, Chemical Racks etc.

Instruments Available:
Electric Oven
Electronic Balance
Digital Conductivity meter
Digital Potentiometer
Centrifuge machine

5.Departmental Library:

Besides the Central Library we have Departmental library for our students. Sufficient books are available in the library. As per need we are adding the books in our library.


Compared among the University conducted colleges, our result is quite good. One of our students Miss. Shrushti Khandale secured out of marks in Chemistry Paper of B.Sc.Sem-III Exam of 2015-16. Our student successfully passed the Aptitude Test in Chemistry conducted by ACT-Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education (TIFR), Mumbai.

7.Future Planes:

In order to cater to the intellectual need of staff and students and to keep themselves abreast of latest developments, applications and current trends in chemistry, we have proposed the activities like popular talks, seminars, guest lectures, study tours etc.

8.Contact and feedback:

The Department will be happy to receive comments from our alumni, well-wishers and students. For more details contact us at.

Dr. Rajesh Singru

Mob.No: 9423122292

Dr. Santosh Jengathe

Mob.No: 9588614607